Snorkeling is amazing activity where you get a birds eye view of the ocean below you, without all the equipment and training required for scuba diving. Often times, the shallower areas are better seen by snorkeling as opposed to SCUBA anyway. The bubbles sometimes keep the fish at a distance. But by snorkeling and breath-hold diving, you can get up close and personal with many of the undersea cast of fishies.

Using a dry snorkel is very easy, but it might take a little practice. That's why we're offering 4 hours of pool time to try out your new snorkel. Feel free to bring your own mask and fins and jump in our 50' indoor heated pool. If you don't have mask or fins, we've got complete snorkeling packages for various budgets. Or you can rent some of ours for your pool sessions.
Groupon Pool Nights will be every Thursday nights from 6-8pm through Oct. 5, 2011. No appointment is necessary. Just bring your Groupon and a swim suit/towel/mask/fins, and we'll get you in the water. When you redeem your Groupon for your snorkel and first pool session, we'll give you a coupon to come back for another free 2 hour pool session. If you have friends or family that didn't purchase a Groupon that would like to join you in the pool, they can purchase a one day pool pass for $10. If you need to rent a mask/fin set, the cost is $10 also. Everyone entering the pool area will need to sign a General Liability Waiver.
Feel free to gift this Groupon to anyone you'd like. The snorkel alone retails for $60, and you're getting the snorkel and 4 hours of pool practice time for only $45.
We look forward to seeing you! Enjoy your weekend!
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